Another child by Miss Preece, christened "Power," was born on the 20th of August 1908.
HiS SOn, Robert Treat Paine (1773-1811), who was christened Thomas but in 1801 took the name of his father and of an elder brother who died without issue in 1794,was a poet of some repute, but his verses have long been forgotten.
They'll be tattooing her face on their arms, and I'll be bound they'll all think she was christened after Nelson's ship."
Partly from the olive trees that abound there, and partly out of devotion to the Passion, Accona was christened Monte Oliveto, whence the order received its name.
The duke of Kent wished her to be christened Elizabeth, and the prince regent wanted Georgiana, while the tsar Alexander I., who had promised to stand sponsor, stipulated for Alexandrina.