At length the sun's rays have attained the right angle, and warm winds blow up mist and rain and melt the snowbanks, and the sun, dispersing the mist, smiles on a checkered landscape of russet and white smoking with incense, through which the traveller picks his way from islet to islet, cheered by the music of a thousand tinkling rills and rivulets whose veins are filled with the blood of winter which they are bearing off.
After much checkered fighting Liewelyn was slain at the skirmish of Orewyn Bridge near Builth on the 11th of December 1282.
It comes in a plaid or checkered pattern.
Walls are light and creamy, banquettes are checkered hunting pink, candles and silver and linen are everywhere.
This piece is based around a pair of checkered wooden earrings featuring a blue moonstone cabochon.