The bulla was a circular gold locket containing a charm of some kind against evil.'
Actaeon is prosobranchiate, the visceral commissure is twisted in Actaeon and Chilina, and even slightly still in Bulla and Scaphander; in Actaeon and Limacina the osphradium is to the left, innervated by the supra-intestinal ganglion.
The Thecosomatous Pteropoda are allied to Bulla, the Gymnosomatous forms to Aplysia.
Tympanics small, not forming a bulla.
Cirta (Constantine) and Bulla Regia (Hammam Darraj), its chief towns, received coloniae of soldiers and veterans, as well as Theveste (Tebessa) and Thamugas (Timgad).