This one is a begonia, the other one is a coleus.
This boulder has a good selection of pot plants around its base, including a begonia.
Among these some forms, as among the trees, extend much be y ond the tropic and ascend into the temperate zones on the mountains, of which may be mentioned Begonia, Osbeckia, various Cyrtandraceae, Scitamineae, and a few epiphytical orchids.
The other flowers of the lonaas are the papita de San Juan (Begonia geranifolia), with red petals contrasting with the white inner sides, valerians, the beautiful Bomarea ovata, several species of Oxalis, Solanum and crucifers.
The following is a select list of genera of stove plants (climbers are denoted by *, bulbous and tuberous plants by f) Acalypha Achimenest Aeschynanthus Allamanda* Alocasiat Amaryllist Anthurium Aphelandra Aralia Ardisia Arisaemaf Aristolochia * Ataccia Begonia Bertolonia Bignonia* Bromeliads Cactus Caladium f Calathea Centropogon Cissus* Clerodendron * Crinumt Codiaeum (Croton) ORcftIDs.