He was heavy of jaw with a wide forehead and an aquiline nose set between two large eyes.
In person Machiavelli was of middle height, black-haired, with rather a small head, very bright eyes and slightly aquiline nose.
It is distinguished by a long head, a long face, a narrow aquiline nose, blue eyes, very light hair and great stature.
A great shock of rough, dusky, dark hair; bright, laughing, hazel eyes; massive aquiline face, most massive yet most delicate; of sallow brown complexion, almost Indian-looking, clothes cynically loose, free-and-easy, smokes infinite tobacco.
The face is oval, with low forehead, high cheek-bones, long eyes sloping outward towards the temples, fleshy lips, nose wide and in some cases flattish but in others aquiline, coarsely moulded features, with a stolid and gloomy expression.