It's a real anticlimax after winning an eBay auction to eventually find the item arrive in a worse state than advertised.
Edward arrived in Acre in May 1271 with 1,000 knights; his crusade was to prove an anticlimax.
There was one strangely large and empty area which was a big anticlimax, tho.
Sometimes, too, when a great dramatic climax has given place to a lyrical anticlimax, retrospective moods, subtleties of emotion and crowning musical thoughts press in upon Wagner's mind with a closeness that determines every word; and thus not only is the whole third act of Tristan, as Wagner said when he was working at it, of " overwhelming tragic power," but Isolde's dying utterances (which occupy the last five minutes and are, of course, totally without action or dramatic tension) were not unlike fine poetry even before the music was written.