The quality of being evil
  1. meanness
  2. debasement
  3. degeneracy
  4. abominableness
  5. beggarliness
  6. detestableness
  7. execrableness
  8. iniquitousness
  9. nauseousness
  10. objectionability
  11. pusillanimousness
  12. rebarbativeness
  13. scandalousness
  14. scrubbiness
  15. scumminess
  16. second-rateness
  17. unspeakableness
Unworthiness by virtue of lacking higher values
  1. sordidness
  2. contemptibility
  3. contemptibleness
  4. crumminess
  5. despicableness
  6. devilishness
  7. disgustingness
  8. hellishness
  9. lousiness
  10. despicability
  11. miserableness
  12. obnoxiousness
  13. pokiness
  14. scruffiness
  15. shoddiness
  16. slavishness

Words Related to Baseness

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.

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