In 1653, during the war between England and Holland, the Dutch, fearing an English attack, built a wall, from which the present Wall Street was named, across Manhattan Island at what was then the northern limits of New Amsterdam.
On his pages, close beside the Parthenon, the Sphinx, St Paul's, Etna and Vesuvius, you will find the White Mountains, Monadnock, Agiocochook, Katandin, the pickerelweed in bloom, the wild geese honking through the sky, the chick-a-dee braving the snow, Wall Street and State Street, cotton-mills, railroads and Quincy granite.
Hill for the control of the Northern Pacific led to one of the most serious financial crises ever known on Wall Street.
Shares on Wall Street that Bush is so anxious to prop up are still massively overvalued.
The April 24 Wall Street Journal ran a story about some of the newer, more aggressive advertising ploys on the Net.