The assessed valuation of property increased more than threefold from 1900 to 1910, being $276,801,517 in the latter year, when the bonded city debt was $ 1 7, 2 59,3 12.5 0.
In the 12th century three languages were certainly spoken in London; yet London could not call itself the "city of threefold speech," as Palermo did.
Acetyland benzoyl-formaldoxime are derivatives of the threefold polymeric form.
In it he discusses the "notes" which distinguish Catholic truth from heresy, and (cap. 2) lays down and applies the famous threefold test of orthodoxy - quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus credi-tum est.
Out of the twofold grew the threefold ministry, so that each local church was governed by one episcopus surrounded by a council of presbyters.