The finest specimens of these that still exist are the very beautiful set of silver plate found buried near Hildesheim in 1869, now in the Berlin Museum.
In the decorative arts the Nuremberg handicraftsman attained great perfection in ministering to the luxurious tastes of the burghers, and a large proportion of the old German furniture, silver-plate, stoves and the like, which are now admired in industrial museums, was made in Nuremberg workshops.
The firm was based in Providence, Rhode Island and made small sterling silver, silver plate and gold items for the home and personal use, such as hair brushes, compacts, hat brushes, hand mirrors, dresser jars, shoe horns and button hooks.
Silver plated ball necklaces can be a good low-cost option, however, the silver plate may wear off over time.
Many of the hotel teapots will be silver or silver plate and were created in the early 1900s.