I grabbed a hot dog with sauerkraut at a stand nearby and watched the theater crowd exit the latest block buster show.
Vegans can also get probiotics by eating non-dairy fermented sources of the bacteria, such as kim chi, sauerkraut, tempeh, miso, and kombucha.
Buttermilk, yogurt, kefir, and raw sauerkraut, are some of the more popular and easily accessible probiotic foods offered in supermarkets.
Many trends, from the Sauerkraut hairstyle (a take on the beehive) to sexy smoldering eyes, to the popularization of bikini swimwear looks, have all been attributed to Brigitte Bardot.
North Jersey.com extols the virtues of Paul's sauerkraut, saying that it "goes great on top of burgers or hot dogs."