She glanced at the door every few minutes, as if her abandoned husband might rush in and drag her back to his lair.
Jackson had not allowed himself to reflect on his relationship with Elisabeth prior to learning her secret, but now he let the memories rush in and in doing so, found some peace.
In the course of this ceremony, after the sacrifice, men rush in all directions carrying torches; the women also carry fire-brands, or knock on the houses with rice-crushers and other heavy implements, and thus the evil spirits are considered to be driven away.
Though settled somewhat earlier, Skagway first became important during the rush in 1896 for the Klondike gold-fields, for which it is the most convenient entrance by the trail over White Pass, the lower of the two passes to the headwaters of the Yukon.
However, just at that moment Susan and Jane rush in chanting the incantation from the scroll.