If we divide throughout by T, we obtain d 2 (n+3)RN T +RNd v, showing that dQ/T is a perfect differential.
This relation between x, a, rn, may be expressed also by the equation x= log m.
The absolute excess of males rn the aggregate population has been progressively greater at every successive census since 1820, save that of 1870Which followed the Civil War, and closed a decade of lessened immigration.
In this simple case the temperature cycle at a depth x is a precisely similar curve of the same period, but with the amplitude reduced in the proportion rn ', and the phase retarded by the fraction mx/27r of a cycle.
Supposing all the wheels to be in outside gearing, then, as each elementary combination reverses the direction of rotation, and as the number of elementary combinations m 1 is one less than the number of axes rn it is evident that if m is odd the direction of rotation is preserved, and if even reversed.