It was abolished at the Revolution, reintroduced during the Restoration, and formall y abolished by a state decree of 1830.
It became the policy of the crown to check the preachers by means of the order of bishops, first reintroduced by Morton, and worthy of their origin.
Hares, for a long period extinct, were reintroduced about 1830, rabbits are very numerous, and the northern limit of the hedgehog is drawn at Lerwick.
It was cultivated by the Arabs in Spain about 961, and is mentioned in an English leechbook of the 10th century, but seems to have disappeared from western Europe till reintroduced by the crusaders.
The old name was reintroduced by Diocletian, by whom Cyrenaica (detached from Crete) was divided into Marmarica (Libya inferior) in the east, and Cyrenaica (Libya superior) in the west.