Difficulty and pain in swallowing may be complained of when the cancer is beginning to block the inlet, but if it is situated at the pylorus the discomfort comes on an hour or two after a meal - at the time that the partially digested food is trying to make its way into the small intestine.
To the left of the gall bladder is the quadrate lobe, which is in contact with the pylorus of the stomach.
For this reason it is used to remove corneal opacities, deafness due to thickening of the membrane, stricture of the oesophagus and hypertrophy of the pylorus, it has also been successful in the treatment of adhesive parametritis.
Squirts of acidic chyme through the pylorus trigger hormonal responses mediated by enteroendocrine cells in the duodenal wall.
The distribution of these glands is mostly proximal to the ampulla of Vater, with most of them being just distal to the pylorus.