The peduncle is simple, bearing a single flower, as in primrose; or branched, as in London-pride.
The borough includes almost the whole of Regent's Park, with a portion of Primrose Hill north of it.
The leaves form a radical rosette as in Primula (primrose, cowslip, &c.), or there is a well-developed aerial stem which is erect, as in species of Lysimachia, or creeping, as in Lysimachia Nummularia (creeping jenny or money-wort).
The same year he was recalled to Bordeaux, where he was appointed the colleague of Dr Primrose; and when Francis Gomarus was removed to Leiden, Cameron, in 1618, was appointed professor of divinity at Saumur, the principal seminary of the French Protestants.
I have bought others, including primrose and lady's smock.