Not to speak of insects which feed upon the pitcher itself, some drop their eggs into the putrescent mass, where their larvae find abundant nourishment, while birds often slit open the pitchers with their beaks and devour the maggots in their turn.
The pitchers accumulate vast quantities of insects in the course of a season, and must thus abundantly manure the surrounding soil when they die.
Cocktail jugs £ 3.50, 2 pint pitchers £ 3.50, 4 pint pitchers £ 3.50, 4 pint pitchers £ 7.00.
Cephalotus follicularis, a native of south-west Australia, a small herbaceous plant, bears ordinary leaves close to the ground as well as pitchers.
The vascular bundles and cellular tissue are sometimes developed in such a way as to form a circle, with a hollow in the centre, and thus give rise to what are called fistular or hollow leaves, as in the onion, and to ascidia or pitchers.