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It is simply a case of allowing organic matter, such as vegetable peelings, grass clippings, egg shells, coffee grounds and a wide variety of other items, to decompose.
Livestock manures, vegetable peelings and scraps, wood ashes, and other items that you might normally throw away make excellent compost.
The willows are cut at the first indication of the sap rising and "couched" in rotten peelings and soil at a slight angle, the butts being on the ground, which should be strewn with damp straw from a manure heap. The tops are covered lightly with rotted peelings and by periodical application of water, fermentation is induced at the bottom, heat is engendered, the leaves force their way through the covering and peeling may begin.
In this project the pupils gained unexpected results when they dropped vegetable peelings into a fryer.
All the controls were active comparisons, tho these included potato peelings and amniotic membrane as well as conventional treatments.