It is divided into three parts, each containing five decades, a decade comprising i Pater, 10 Ayes and a Gloria, in addition to a subject for meditation selected from the "mysteries" of the life of Christ and of the Blessed Virgin.
It forms the Pater Ward of Pembroke, from which it is distant 2 m.
He modestly declined the title of pater patriae; the memory of Claudius, and that of his own father Domitius were duly honoured.
The second treatise is addressed to J ohn the deacon (" Ad Joannem Diaconum "), and its subject is " Utrum Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus de divinitate substantialiter praedicentur."
He moved that the title of pater patriae should be bestowed upon Augustus, and yet resigned the appointment of praefect of the city after six days' tenure of office, because it was opposed to his ideas of constitutionalism.