The species that has the widest range, and that by far, is the common Ring-necked Parakeet, Palaeornis torquatus, a well-known cage-bird which is found from the mouth of the Gambia across Africa to the coast of the Red Sea, as well as throughout the whole of India, Ceylon and Burmah to Tenasserim.
Please don't get a cockatiel or a parakeet thinking that you're going to " try it for a while " .
See for instance these pictures of the male and female of the african rose-ringed parakeet.
Many pretty little finches fly about the maize-fields and fruit-gardens, and a little green parakeet is met with as l;.igh as 12,000 ft.
Highlights included austral Thrush, Austral Parakeet, Fire eyed Diucon and Chilean Swallow.