I was to be Ceres in a kind of masque given by the blind girls.
A pageant and masque given by 2,000 participants before audiences of Ioo,000 led to the construction in 1917 of a municipal theatre in Forest Park, with accommodation for 9,270.
His dramatic work includes La Lepreuse (1896); Ton Sang and L'Enchantement (1900); Le Masque and Resurrection (1902); Maman Colibri (1904); La Marche Nuptiale (1905); Poliche (1906); Les Flambeaux (1912); Le Phalene (1913).
In 1634 Milton's Comus was performed in the castle under its original style of "A Masque presented at Ludlow Castle," before the earl of Bridgewater, Lord President of Wales.
He was fond of field sports and of music, and in 1633 he had charge of the music in the great masque performed by the inns of court before the king and queen.