In the southern part of the city is a United States navy yard and station, officially the Norfolk Yard (the second largest in the country), of about 450 acres, with three immense dry docks, machine shops, warehouses, travelling and water cranes, a training station, torpedoboat headquarters, a powder plant (20 acres), a naval magazine, a naval hospital and the distribution headquarters of the United State Marine Corps.
According to a deposition which he made in January 1807 he was approached by Aaron Burr, who attempted to enlist him in his "conspiracy," and wished him to win over the marine corps and to sound Preble and Decatur.
A high school dropout he joined the Marine Corps at 17.The military and he saw things differently.
In 2003, the Marine Corps used 844,000 gallons of B20 biodiesel, says retired Navy Cmdr.
He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps in January 1967.