Every one has his modicum of innate mana, or at least may develop it in himself by communicating with powers that can be brought into answering relation by the proper means.
The exceptional man is recognized as having mana in a special degree, and a belief thus held at once by others and by himself is bound to stimulate his individuality.
The man with mana is bound to come to the top, both because his gifts give him a start and because his success is taken as a sign that he has the gift.
Into these regions descended Hibil the brilliant, in the power of Mana rabba, just as in the Manichaean mythology the "primal man," armed with the elements of the king of light, descends to a contest with the primal devil.
Perrault also uses fee for anything that has magical quality; "the key was fee," had mana, or wakan, savage words for the supposed "power," or ether, which works magic or is the vehicle of magical influences.