Effect of plant stanol tablets on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering in patients on statin drugs.
Cholesterol is transported in blood bound to proteins called low-density lipoproteins (LDL ).
All had moderately high low-density lipoprotein (LDL or âbadâ cholesterol ).
The second, based on Basell's Lupotech T technology, will produce low density pe.
There appears, however, to be some objection to the use of iridio-platinum for weights, as, owing to its great density (Δ=21.57), the slightest abrasion will make an appreciable difference in a weight; sometimes, therefore, quartz or rock-crystal is used; but to this also there is some objection, as owing to its low density (Δ=2.65) there is a large exposed surface of the mass.