A very few people who have taken asthma treatment tablets called ' leukotriene receptor antagonists ' have turned out to have Churg-Strauss syndrome.
The ability of the leukotriene modifiers to disrupt such extensive interactions means that other relevant mediators are targeted indirectly by leukotriene modifiers to disrupt such extensive interactions means that other relevant mediators are targeted indirectly by leukotriene blockade.
Leukotriene B4, thromboxane B2 and inflammatory products also have been discovered within herniated human disks after surgery.
Leukotriene antagonist-An agent or class of drugs which exerts an action opposite to that of another.
A new class of asthma medications called leukotriene inhibitors has shown some mixed results in clinical trials for asthma patients and has been used experimentally in cases of EG but without conclusive results.