The beginning of his reign was marked by a disastrous irruption of the Hungarians into Burgundy and Aquitaine (937).
The last years of the reign were troubled by fresh difficulties with Hugh the Great and also by an irruption of the Hungarians into the south of France.
This result he achieved in spite of the Decian persecution (250251), during which he had felt it to be his duty to absent himself from his diocese, and notwithstanding the demoralizing effects of an irruption of barbarians (Goths and Boranians) who laid waste the diocese in A.D.
The coinage of a succeeding king, Hermaeus, indicates a barbaric irruption.
In the autumn of 882 an irruption of the Normans forced the old archbishop to take refuge at Epernay, where he died on the 21st of December 882.