The pen has black ink in it now.
There were three sets of numbers written in green ink on his palm.
I promised to donate this here ink well and pen that came from the box of Annie's stuff.
I'd already told Miss Worthington down at the museum she could have the pen and ink bottle.
Among objects used are a pool of ink in the hand (Egypt), the liver of an animal (tribes of the North-West Indian frontier), a hole filled with water (Polynesia), quartz crystals (the Apaches and the Euahlayi tribe of New South Wales), a smooth slab of polished black stone (the Huille-che of South America), water in a vessel (Zulus and Siberians), a crystal (the Incas), a mirror (classical Greece and the middle ages), the finger-nail, a swordblade, a ring-stone, a glass of sherry, in fact almost anything.