Klytia (1883) was a 16th-century story, Jetta (1884) a tale of the great immigrations, and Elfriede " a romance of the Rhine."
During the Neolithic and Bronze Ages we can dimly trace further immigrations.
More extensive immigrations followed, in the course of which the whole of Silesia was covered with German settlements.
It must not be denied that the recollection of some invasion may have been greatly idealized by late writers, but it happens that there were important immigrations and internal movements in the 8th-6th centuries, that is to say, immediately preceding the post-exilic age, when this composite account in the Pentateuch and Joshua reached its present form.
There had indeed been previous immigrations, but the passage from the desert into the midst of Palestinian culture led to the adoption of the old semi-heathenism of the land, a declension, and a descent from the relative simplicity of tribal life.