United States musician who was the first to use the vibraphone as a jazz instrument (1913-2002)
lionel hampton
Hampton Sentence Examples
The Hampton Court organ of 1690 shows that Schmidt had further lowered his pitch a semitone, to a' 441 7.
Rousseau was also employed to paint architectural subjects and landscapes in the palace of Hampton Court, where many of his decorative panels still exist.
Meanwhile all hopes of an accommodation with Charles were dispelled by his flight on the 11th of November from Hampton Court to Carisbroke Castle in the Isle of Wight, his Flight object being to negotiate independently with the Scots, the parliament and the army.
On the 12th of September 1651 Cromwell made his triumphal entry into London at the conclusion of his victorious campaigns; and parliament granted him Hampton Court as a residence with £4000 a year.
He was fond of music and of art, and kept statues in Hampton Court Gardens which scandalized good puritans.