Doubtless the framer of Jude r would have preferred the aegis of " James the Lord's brother," if this, like that of Paul, had not been already appropriated.
There is no doubt that each of these men, and Bancroft in particular, influenced the policy of the administration, yet the historian James Schouler, who has made a careful study of the Polk papers, is doubtless correct in saying that the president himself was "the framer of the public policy which he carried into so successful execution, and that instead of being led (as many might have imagined) by the more famous statesmen of his administration and party who surrounded him, he in reality led and shaped his own executive course."
But it represents the former as the framer of the world, as the power or spirit of God, active alike in the physical, the intellectual, and the ethical domain, and apparently objective to God.
The framer will place the bouquet in an air tight frame to help keep it preserved for years to come.
A framer will be able to look at a picture of yours and easily decide which type of frame will suit it best.