It was at this very period - the close of the 15th and commencement of the 16th century - that the genius and daring of a Genoese mariner, Christopher Columbus, gave to Spain that new world, which might have become the possession of his native state, had Genoa been able to supply him with the ships and seamen which he so earnestly entreated her to furnish.
For three days the representative of the Caesars entreated to be admitted into the popes presence.
He was so deeply affected by the death of Iiababa, that Maslama entreated him not to exhibit his sorrow to the eyes of the public. He died a few days later, on the 26th of January 724, according to the chroniclers from grief for her loss.
In vain he had entreated Merwan and Ibn Hobaira to send him troops before it should be too late.