It was at this time that Virgil addressed 'the famous fourth eclogue to him.
His five great pagan poets are Homer, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Lucan; Statius he regards as a " Christian " converted by Virgil's Fourth Eclogue.
The chief objection to this view is based upon two lines in the 9th eclogue of Virgil, supposed to have been written 41 or 40 B.C. Here reference is made to a certain Cinna, a poet of such importance that Virgil deprecates comparison with him; it is argued that the manner in which this Cinna, who could hardly have been any one but Helvius Cinna, is spoken of implies that he was then alive; if so, he could not have been killed in 44.
He was celebrated in the Middle Ages as a prophet because of the interpretation of the fourth eclogue as a prediction of the Incarnation.
The eighth eclogue of Virgil was addressed to Pollio while engaged in this campaign.