Hamilton, "the measurement of a number of tails of the [European] wild cat and of the domestic cat gives a range between 11 in.
Examples may perhaps occasionally still be found in the uninhabited forests of Hungary and Transylvania, and occasionally in Spain and Greece, as well as in the Caucasus and in some of the Swiss cantons, but the original race has in most countries interbred with the domestic cat wherever the latter has penetrated."
In the great development of reverence for sacred animals which took place after the New Kingdom, the domestic cat was especially the animal of Bubastis, although it had also to serve for all the other feline goddesses, owing no doubt to the scarcity and intractability of its congeners.
After a while I heard her purring like a very loud domestic cat.
Tree climbing is essential for wilderness cat survival, and this behavior has translated well to the domestic cat.