The patrimonium, the tributa and the vectigalia are divisions parallel to the domaine, the contributions directes and the contributions indirectes of modern French administration; or the English " non-tax " revenue, inland revenue and " customs and excise."
A decree of the ist of July 1885 had, it is true, declared all "vacant lands" the property of the state (Domaine privé de Petal), but it was not for some time that this decree was so interpreted as to confine the lands of the natives to those they lived upon or "effectively" cultivated.
It was not until 1902 that the existence of the Domaine de la couronne was officially acknowledged.
Among the obligations which he enumerated as necessarily and justly resting on his legatee was the duty of respecting the arrangements by which he had provided for the establishment of the Domaine de la couronne and the Domaine prive de l'etat.
The single domaine wines, at the top end represent the apogee of their respective appellations.