The most valuable preparations of this potent drug are the liquor atropinae sulphatis, which is a 1% solution, and the lamella - for insertion within the conjunctival sac - which contains one five-thousandth part of a grain of the alkaloid.
Signs include eyelid retraction, conjunctival redness and swelling, proptosis (either unilateral or bilateral ), periorbital edema, and ophthalmoplegia.
For the use of the oculist, who constantly employs this drug, it is also prepared in lamellae for insertion within the conjunctival sac. Each of these contains one-thousandth part of a grain of physostigmine sulphate, a quantity which is perfectly efficient.
The extensive conjunctival defect, involving one-half of the bulbar conjunctiva, was reconstructed with an amniotic membrane allograft.
The most common form of non-respiratory diphtheria is cutaneous diphtheria; other forms include conjunctival, otic and genital lesions.