Oddly, it still seemed reasonable even as we coasted through three red lights to get home.
He altered his course and coasted down to the edge of the field.
In 1602 Bartholomew Gosnold landed at and named Cape Cod and coasted as far south as the present No-Man's Land, which he named Martin's or Martha's Vineyard, a name later transferred to a neighbouring larger island.
The " Endeavour " then coasted northward, and after passing and naming Mount Dromedary, the Pigeon House, Point Upright, Cape St George and Red Point, Botany Bay was discovered on the 28th of April 1770, and as it appeared to offer a suitable anchorage, the " Endeavour " entered the bay and dropped anchor.
Pytheas, whose own narrative is not preserved, coasted the Bay of Biscay, sailed up the English Channel and followed the coast of Britain to its most northerly point.