His father is generally described as a butcher, but he sold other things than meat; and although a man of some property and a churchwarden of St Nicholas, Ipswich, his character seems to have borne a striking resemblance to that of Thomas Cromwell's father.
In the time of the counts the wealth of Gouda was mainly derived from brewing and cloth-weaving; but at a later date the making of clay tobacco pipes became the staple trade, and, although this industry has somewhat declined, the churchwarden pipes of Gouda are still well known and largely manufactured.
Each churchwarden after election subscribes before the ordinary a declaration that he will execute his office faithfully.
In 1916 Miss Hogg became the first woman churchwarden at St Paul's Church, Church Rd St Leonards.
Near to the other end of the row lived Ralph Waterson, also a former churchwarden.