Chaplet has patented a muffle or tube furnace, similar in principle, for use on a larger scale, with a number of electrodes placed above and below the muffle-tube.
A " Taal " word derived from the Dutch krans, a wreath, chaplet or cornice.
Three hundred English horsemen appear to have stolen round Randolph's flank unseen by him, and Bruce is said to have warned him that " a rose had fallen from his chaplet."
In consonance with this name, its authors propose to re-name the Conjugatae; Akontae and Oedogoniaceae with a chaplet of cilia become Stephanokontae, and the algae remaining over in the three series from which the Heterokontae and Stephanokontae are withdrawn become Isokontae.
Blue; a woman 's head couped at the neck proper wreathed about the temple and neck with a chaplet of oak proper.