Calvados the former was 904,000, as against 857,000 in the Cantal latter year, the diminution being acconipanied by Charente a decrease in the annual number of deaths.
The other chief producers were Pyrnes-Orientales, Calvados, Haute-Marne (Vassy) and Saneet-Loire (Mazenay and Change).
Elie De Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Leonce (1798-1874), French geologist, was born at Canon, in Calvados, on the 25th of September 1798.
He had meanwhile been sent to suppress revolts in the districts of Rhone, Eure, Calvados and Finistere, where he had been able to pursue a conciliatory policy.
Chenedolle, Charles Julien Lioult De (1769-1833), French poet, was born at Vire (Calvados) on the 4th of November 1769.