Miss Brock came from Monxton where her family had a saddler 's business.
The Sultan of Lancaster, Brock Street, is an Indian restaurant opposite Whale Tail cafe that cooks veggie dishes separately.
Provision was made in the design, by Sir Aston Webb, for the extension of the Mall to open upon Trafalgar Square, through gateways in a semicircular range of buildings to be occupied by government offices, and for a wide circular space in front of the Palace, with a statue of the Queen by Thomas Brock in its centre.
Through the influence of Lieut.-Governor Gore, supplemented by that of Sir Isaac Brock, Strachan was prevailed upon in 1812 to transfer himself to York, where he was soon deeply involved in civil and ecclesiastical politics.
But they were much influenced by fear of the Indians, who had been won over to the British side by the energy of Brock.