At this period another calamity befell Egypt; about 3000 DelIs (Kurdish troops) arrived in Cairo from Syria.
His book seems to have undergone very much the same fate as that which befell the originals of the first two volumes of the Paston Letters which Sir John Fenn presented to George the Third.
This argument rests on the careful critical narrative of the fight constructed by Herr Kleissner and Herr Hartmann from the contemporary accounts which have come down to us, in which the pride of the knights, their heavy armour, the heat of the July sun, the panic which befell a sudden part of the Austrian army, added to the valour of the Swiss, fully explain the complete rout.
But no such good fortune befell the works of Demosthenes.
John B Kelly Jr. grew into a champion oarsman also. but even greater fame befell his daughter.