Friend was right to cast aspersions on the role of the Deputy Prime Minister.
From this time he continued to pour forth a number of critical writings on literature, art, &c. His bold ideas on these subjects, which were a great advance even on Lessing's doctrines, naturally excited hostile criticism, and in consequence of this opposition, which took the form of aspersions on his religious orthodoxy, he resolved to leave Riga.
The discovery that the poet had printed secretly 1500 copies of The Patriot King caused him to publish a correct version in 1749, and stirred up a further altercation with Warburton, who defended his friend against Bolingbroke's bitter aspersions, the latter, whose conduct was generally reprehended, publishing a Familiar Epistle to the most Impudent Man Living.
Both the aspersions which these poets cast on her character and the embellishments with which they garnished her life passed for centuries as undoubted history.
Is it right that you should be casting such aspersions on those sitting behind Mr Trimble?