The part of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands
Ans Sentence Examples
He sometimes held the carbon powder against the diaphragm in a small tr ans' shallow cell (from a quarter to half an inch in diameter and about an eighth of an inch deep), and sometimes he used what he describes as a fluff, that is, a little brush of silk fibre with plumbago rubbed into it.
Romagna, replied to these persecutions by assassinating the more brutal officials ans spies.
To the Prophecy of Restoration we may fitly apply the words, too gracious and too subtly chosen to be translated, of Renan, "ce second Isaie, dont Fame lumineuse semble comme impregnee, six cent ans d'avance, de toutes les rosees, de tous les parfums de l'avenir" (L'Antechrist, p. 464); though, indeed, the common verdict of sympathetic readers sums up the sentence in a single phrase - "the Evangelical Prophet."
Ably advised by his private secretary, George Ans.
In 1841 he published his Histoire de dix ans 1830-1840, an attack upon the monarchy of July.