Alike Synonyms and Antonyms

With similar qualities
  1. similar
  2. like
  3. analogous
  4. comparable
  5. corresponding
  6. parallel
  7. equivalent
  8. akin
  9. kindred
  10. much the same
  11. homologous
  12. correspondent
  13. resembling
  14. related
  15. cognate
  16. approximate
  17. proximate
  18. proportionate
  19. allied
  20. associated
  21. of that kind
  22. of-a-kind
  23. congeneric
  24. concurrent
  25. nearly the same
  26. of the same kidney
  27. same but different
  28. the same more or less
  29. uniform
  30. consimilar
  31. robotlike
  32. undifferent
  33. undiscriminated
  34. undistinguishable
  35. undiversified
With the same qualities
  1. like
  2. same
  3. self-same
  4. neither more nor less
  5. without distinction or difference
  6. twin
  7. one
  8. indistinguishable
  9. copied
  10. facsimile
  11. duplicate
  12. consubstantial
  13. matched
  14. mated
  15. equal
  16. matching
  17. identical
  18. one-and-the-same
  19. all-one
  20. chip-off-the-old-block
  21. in-the-same-boat
  22. on all fours with
  23. the very image of
In like manner
  1. similarly
  2. equally
  3. likewise
  4. in-common
  5. in the same manner
  6. to the same degree
  7. comparably
  8. consonantly
  9. answerable to
  10. analogously
  11. comparatively
  12. in accordance with
  13. correspondently
  14. the same way
  1. differently
  2. dissimilarly
  3. divergently
  1. alikeness
  2. uniformity