The nearest approach to a sovereignty in those parts on the death of Abu Said is that of Uzun Ijasan, the leader of the Ak Kuyun, or White Sheep Turkomans, and conqueror of the Black Sheep, whose chief, Jahan Shah, he defeated and slew.
Heusinger has shown that white sheep and pigs are injured by the ingestion (A) N b X N ?--,r N(A)+N of certain plants, while the pigmented individuals may eat them without harm.
Murad fled with a small remnant of his soldiers to Diarbekr, the rallying-point of the White Sheep Turkomans.
Sir John Malcolm states that at the death of Abu Said, Sultan Uosain Mirza made himself master of the empire, They were commonly called Kara Kuyun-lu and thern WhitE Sheep Turkomans Ak Kuyun-lu, the affix lu signifying possession, i.e.