While fighting for survival, Michael struggles to adjust to the concept of immortal creatures living among humans, and Selene struggles with her own growing attraction to Michael-now a Lycan and her sworn enemy.
Two Seleucid princes, children of Soter's sister Selene, appeared in Rome in 73 to urge their claim to the Ptolemaic throne.
Cleopatra's daughter by Antony (Cleopatra Selene) was married in 25 to Juba II.
He seems to have received a good education under the care of Augustus who, in 29, after Mark Antony's death, gave him the hand of Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Antony and Cleopatra, and placed him on his father's throne.
In later mythology, under Alexandrian influence, the Horae become the four seasons, daughters of Helios and Selene, each represented with the conventional attributes.