My rehab wasn't fully covered by insurance and most of the money is in an annuity I draw each month.
Shortly after the interview, she checked into a drug rehab center in Antigua for less than 24 hours, then returned to Los Angles, where she paid a visit to a hair salon and shaved her head in full few of the paparazzi.
Lindsay Lohan is a perfect example of this, as she is well known for having an entourage of assistants and curling irons with her wherever she goes, from a photo shoot to rehab.
Others, like Polar, takes a more advanced approach by also letting you search by function, i.e., if you're a runner, cyclist, cardiac rehab patient and so on, giving you a more narrow search to find the right product for you.
She has a private yard specializing in rehab following injury, breaking and schooling leading to a new career for former racehorses... .