In 1851 he was collated to a prebend in Chichester; and in 1853 he became one of Queen Victoria's chaplains.
He entered the church and was provided for by a prebend at Saragossa.
From 1848 till his death on the 9th of July 1888 he was prebend of Willesden in St Paul's cathedral.
He declined invitations from Cambridge, but accepted from Archbishop Laud a prebend in Canterbury cathedral without residence, and went to England to be installed in 1629, when he was made LL.D.
Map's career was an active and varied one; he was clerk of the royal household and justice itinerant; in 1179 he was present at the Lateran council at Rome, on his way thither being enter tained by the count of Champagne; at this time he apparentm held a plurality of ecclesiastical benefices, being a prebend of St Paul's, canon and precentor of Lincoln and parson of Westbury, Gloucestershire.