The meteorites which appear annually on or about the 10th of August are popularly known as "the tears of St Lawrence."
Angel Artichoke High Street An 18th century alehouse which formerly stood on or about the site of No. 89, Bell Street, Reigate.
After the Reformation the processions gradually ceased to be ecclesiastical in England, and are now practically secularized into the perambulation of the parish boundaries on or about Ascension Day.
Abandoning at last all hope she sank into melancholy, ill health, and, according to some accounts, insanity, and died a victim to state policy on or about the 25th of September 1615.
Much that is of interest and value must necessarily be omitted in any sketch of so elaborate a system, and for all points of special interpretation reference must needs be made to the many elaborate dissertations on or about the Kantian philosophy.