Of the residential streets, James Street, in the northeastern part of the city, is the most attractive.
Other popular New York destinations include the Adirondack Mountains in northeastern New York.
Thence its northern and northeastern frontier marches with the Punjab and the United Provinces until it touches the river Chambal, where it turns south-eastward for about 200 m., dividing the states of Dholpur, Karauli, Jaipur and Kotah from Gwalior.
Two fine inlets, Berkeley Sound and Port William, run far into the land at the northeastern extremity of the island.
The Pontotoc ridge separates the drainage system of the Mississippi from that of the Tombigbee; extending from the northeastern part of the state southward, this ridge divides in Choctaw county, the eastern branch separating the drainage basin in the Pascagoula from that of the Pearl, and the western branch separating the drainage basin of the Pearl from that of the Big Black and the Mississippi.